Gull in Sunset. Rovinj, Croatia.
Sep 2009. (c) Copyright 2009 by
A. Avdeef.


picture 7 picture 8 picture 9 picture 10 picture 11

Dissolution Theory ('white' paper)

Examples of pDISOL-X application in papers 86, 88, 93, 94, 96, 102 in the Publications page.

pDISOL-XTM v3.0 is a computer program (available: 2012-Q4) which can be used to model dissolution-pH characteristics of drug-like ionizable molecules.

The enhanced theory of dissolution kinetics is based on the convective diffusion & simultaneous chemical reaction (CDR) model, incorporating the low-ionic-strength Vinograd-McBain electric field treatment.  The new computational treatment in pDISOL-X extends the generality and robustness of the CDR model, avoids limitations in earlier underlying assumptions, and aspires to provide some of the finishing touches to the pioneering works of Higuchi et al.,  Mooney et al., McNamara et al., and Southard et al., and a number of others. 

pDISOL-X covers two applications of CDR data analysis: (a) rotating disk intrinsic dissolution rate (disk-IDR) and (b) Wang-Flanagan spherical particle model (particle-IDR) models.  The rigorous CDR kinetics model may be most helpful in early applications of IDR, where compounds are studied as compacted solid rotating disks or suspended powders of the pure compound.  Such investigations are done long before the traditional formulation development and quality control type of applications.

pDISOL-XTM is a trademark of in-ADME Research.